Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Search Engine Optimizing your CV or Resume

It’s relatively simple once you understand the nature of these Databases. Essentially they act like little search engines, mini Googles if you will.

A query run by a recruiter is based on keywords which in turn should be based on the main skills required for their client. You as the jobseeker have a number of ways to manipulate the odds in your favour by using two simple tricks.

Keyword Density
To determine what the best keywords are for your desired role, have a think about what a recruiter would use to find you! If you are a Java programmer, make sure that the word Java is included more times than you currently have, of course without being too obvious. If you have a degree, mention it in your Career Summary as well as your Education section.

The same applies to job titles, industries and so on.

Updating the Recruiter
The second part to keeping your CV high on the list is to make sure that you contact your recruiters via email regularly. Their databases work on a combination of keyword density and recent updating of your file. For example, if the recruiter has two identical CVs in terms of keywords on their database, the one that was updated most recently will rank higher.

Assuming the recruiter or their administrator is diligent in updating contact on their database, (also bearing in mind the larger recruiters have smart software that automatically import emails to a given candidate’s file) sending an email that does not require a response, i.e. “just letting you know that I am still on the lookout for specific roles, feel free to contact me should a suitable role come your way”, on a regular basis will keep you at the top of searches, remind the recruiter that you’re still on the market and will ultimately ensure that you get called before the competition for the right role.

So remember, Search Engine Optimize your CV and keep in regular contact with your Recruiters.
To learn more about CV and Jobsearching advice visit www.mynewcv.ie or contact sales@mynewcv.ie
www.mynewcv.ie is a company dedicated to maximising candidate's chances of securing and steering interviews to a successful conclusion.